Re: Stuck on IF/AND formula
@Nwhite_73 Let's fix some syntax. IF(AND(logical expression 1, logical expression 2), value if true, value if false) When you want to reference a single column on a given row, you just need to use th…1 · -
Re: Count IF formula that meets multiple criteria.
@AlexisJ COUNTIFS will only count a row if all the criteria are present. So if you want to count multiple possible values in the same range, you need to incorporate an OR function to make that work. …1 · -
Re: What causes a column ID to change?
@jcaf I've been reading/writing to Smartsheet via the API for several months and have yet to see a column ID change. If columns are reordered in the sheet, or a column is added or deleted, the order …2 · -
Re: Send a notification when an update has been completed
@Joaquinwood That's not currently built into the Update Request functionality, but it's a great idea! You can submit product feedback here and also start a thread on this here! There is a workaround …1 · -
Re: Can't work out why I am getting an UNPARSEABLE error message please help
@Paul Allen Try these fixes:1 ·